We are four of Jack's fans, our names are Olivia, Chanel and Taliesha. We are all from Australia. We have each met Jack multiple times.

We LOVE Jack! We support him so much, he means the world to us! Each and everyday he inspires us in many different ways. We believed in him throughout the whole AGT competition because we knew he could win! He's come so far since first auditioning on Australia's Got Talent. He truly is an amazing person, he is so kind and generous. His performances are mind-blowing everytime. We are so proud of everything he has achieved, we know there is so much to come in the future and we wish him the best of luck for everything!

We started this website in October, 2011. Jack does so many wonderful and generous things whether its performances, helping charities or being his amazing self we feel everything he does should be recognized more often.

Jack and Rachel frequently check our website so we designed it so everyone could be involved, Everyone can have their photos with Jack put up, or fan videos, anything they would like Jack or Rachel to see can be put up on the site.

​Jack and Rachel have sent us some info so ​the site is accurate. All other info obtained will be sourced to the owner. We hope you enjoy looking through our website, also coming soon is the PHOTOS PAGE.

​​We would like to thank Jack and Rachel for everything they have done for us, we will always be here to support you. 

JackVSociety.com team.  

 Managed by Olivia, Chanel & Taliesha                                                                                                 Contact us at YesIAmAVidgenator@hotmail.com
                                                                                                       © 2011 | JACKVSOCIETY​